

The 7 killer traits of a ROCKSTAR Project Manager – a CIO’s checklist

A CIO sprang this on me this week. “David, what makes a great Project Manager?” It’s one of those questions that you answer instinctively – great organiser, they deliver projects within deadline and budget, good communication skills, etc, etc. All true but I was a little disappointed by my instinctive, off the hip answer –

The 7 killer traits of a ROCKSTAR Project Manager – a CIO’s checklist Read More »


Fail fast, fail often, fail well: the key to IT Project success

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan. An IT Project Manager I know, let’s call

Fail fast, fail often, fail well: the key to IT Project success Read More »


You have no new massages – A deep tissue lesson for IT Project Managers

My Project Manager friend, Colette came back from her lunchtime massage today, not as relaxed as she normally does. “Well that’s a good way to lose potential business!” she said. The story she then told me has lessons for project management teams and as it is also quite funny, I will share it with you.

You have no new massages – A deep tissue lesson for IT Project Managers Read More »

Are you passionately curious? It’s IT Project Management’s success secret, and size matters

Why do some projects stir a passion within you and others leave you less revved up? Could unlocking the secret lead to fewer IT Project failures? It’s true, isn’t it? The more passionate about a task you are, the more likely you are to succeed. Even doing the dishes can be a chore or a

Are you passionately curious? It’s IT Project Management’s success secret, and size matters Read More »