Project Management Advice

Project Management

As IT Projects Evolve in Complexity, You Need Something More RADICAL Than A RAID Log.

Think of the implementation phase of an IT Project. Exciting, right? All that pitching, planning and preparation has led to this point! You are ready and raring to go and as you line up the road ahead, your attention will have turned to how you document and communicate within your project. At this point, you […]

As IT Projects Evolve in Complexity, You Need Something More RADICAL Than A RAID Log. Read More »

IT & Project Management

First Quarter Done. How IT Project Trends So Far Are Shaping Up

First Quarter Done. How IT Project Trends So Far Are Shaping 2018 As I write this we are rapidly approaching the end of quarter one. I cannot believe how quickly the year is zooming by. With the first quarter under our belts, I’ve noticed three distinct IT Project Management trends that I think are exciting

First Quarter Done. How IT Project Trends So Far Are Shaping Up Read More »

International women's day

Time for greater emphasis on IT Project WOMANagement?

A blog looking at the representation and effectivity of women in Project Management.

So, do women make better project leaders? I diplomatically answer this by saying that ‘great project leaders make great project leaders’, I.e., it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman if you’ve got it – you’ve got it.

Time for greater emphasis on IT Project WOMANagement? Read More »

A Poor Workman Blames his tools

A poor workman blames his tools – is this true in IT project management?

            “It’s a poor workman who blames his tools.” I heard this, for the first time in years, during the analysis of why an IT Project had failed to deliver. It got me thinking. Is it true? Is Project success more a product of the skills of a project team

A poor workman blames his tools – is this true in IT project management? Read More »

hold my coffee

IT Project Teams are STILL driving competitive advantage

In conclusion, IT Projects are perfectly placed to shape the future of business as we emerge from this pandemic.

Businesses need to be leaner and more innovative.
It’s time for IT Project teams to say, “Hold our coffee, watch us do our thing” – this is our moment.

IT Project Teams are STILL driving competitive advantage Read More »

social media for project managers

Is Social Media Good For Project Managers?

Integrating social media in project management can be a great way to improve communication and stay updated on project milestones for both the project manager and team members. Keep reading to discover how. Social media applications such as Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat and Twitter, have become a standard platform for professionals across all forms of industry

Is Social Media Good For Project Managers? Read More »

project team health

The cost of time-critical projects on project team health – and how to reduce risks

A project manager needs to head a healthy project team in order to get the job done. How can they keep an eye on the clock and their staff stress levels? A company has a duty of care to the staff it employs so it is important for managers to promote a healthy work-life balance

The cost of time-critical projects on project team health – and how to reduce risks Read More »


The 7 killer traits of a ROCKSTAR Project Manager – a CIO’s checklist

A CIO sprang this on me this week. “David, what makes a great Project Manager?” It’s one of those questions that you answer instinctively – great organiser, they deliver projects within deadline and budget, good communication skills, etc, etc. All true but I was a little disappointed by my instinctive, off the hip answer –

The 7 killer traits of a ROCKSTAR Project Manager – a CIO’s checklist Read More »