Project Management Basics


The 7 killer traits of a ROCKSTAR Project Manager – a CIO’s checklist

A CIO sprang this on me this week. “David, what makes a great Project Manager?” It’s one of those questions that you answer instinctively – great organiser, they deliver projects within deadline and budget, good communication skills, etc, etc. All true but I was a little disappointed by my instinctive, off the hip answer – […]

The 7 killer traits of a ROCKSTAR Project Manager – a CIO’s checklist Read More »


Fail fast, fail often, fail well: the key to IT Project success

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan. An IT Project Manager I know, let’s call

Fail fast, fail often, fail well: the key to IT Project success Read More »

IT & Project Management

Why IT Projects Shouldn’t Be Sheepish About BAaaS

Picture a Project Manager, a full team and a Business Analyst … on every project. IT Project Nirvana. Budgets are tight so often it’s the latter that either gets sacrificed, usually merged into someone else’s role. Many Project Managers have in the past, had parts of their job description that look more ‘BA’ than ‘PM’,

Why IT Projects Shouldn’t Be Sheepish About BAaaS Read More »

IT & Project Management

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good Projects?

I was inspired by a recent Facebook post by a friend who asked, in a status update, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Within minutes, dozens of replies appeared, all along the lines of “You OK hun?” or “How can I help?”. She’s fine by the way, just wondering why despite best efforts,

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good Projects? Read More »

IT & Project Management

At harvest time what can IT project managers learn from farmers?

I was fascinated this week by a farmer in a combine harvester going up and down in a field adjacent to the road I was driving along. I pulled over to watch … it’s a man and machines thing! The farmer pulled over too and we briefly talked about the vehicle he was driving. I

At harvest time what can IT project managers learn from farmers? Read More »

project manager with Burnout and stress

IT Projects. Do We Actually Ever Learn Lessons Learnt?

Originally published on We record ‘lessons learnt’ as part of the project management process but do we actually learn from them? Recent experience and the number of projects that fail to deliver suggest we could probably all do better at learning from lessons learnt. It is worth considering this for a moment … Do

IT Projects. Do We Actually Ever Learn Lessons Learnt? Read More »

IT & Project Management

Managing IT Projects: Respond Don’t React

In IT Projects, when something unexpected happens, I get better results when I respond, than when I react. You may have sussed this for yourself ages ago but my epiphany, strangely, came when I met a St John Ambulance community first responder. He was telling me about a traffic accident that he’d attended. He was

Managing IT Projects: Respond Don’t React Read More »