A man stood in front of two roads struggling to decide which road to take.

Why “what’s the best IT project management methodology?” Is the wrong question

The right project management methodology (PMM) lays the foundations for a successful IT Project, it’s that simple. The correct methodology creates structure and governance, defines communications and documentation, and establishes principles that guide the team and help them stay on track, on the same page and on time.  

But … how do you know what’s right? Right?

This is a question that keeps popping up in conversations with new and existing customers alike – WHAT’S THE BEST IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY?


Why “what’s the best IT project management methodology?” Is the wrong question Read More »

Someone typing on a computer with some graphic covering the screen

Operational? Inspirational? Which Stoneseeder best fits your need?

Stoneseed engagements tend to fall into two categories – “Operate” or “Advisory”. Or as a colleague put it this week … “operational” or “inspirational”. Stoneseed employs a team of Project Management and Technical Professionals, delivering services through a flexible, on-demand resourcing model PMaaS (Project Management as a Service). From strategy to service delivery, this cost-effective

Operational? Inspirational? Which Stoneseeder best fits your need? Read More »

Happy tenth birthday Stoneseed

Happy tenth birthday to Stoneseed!

Ten years ago, a handful of firms had started to promote IT from business technology support to a strategic business partner but, for most, IT was still a back office function. That’s not to say that the projects weren’t complex and essential, they totally were. The thinking though, for many, was “this is what we want the business to do, how can IT help achieve this?” whereas the thinking now is more “what can IT achieve for the business?”

Happy tenth birthday to Stoneseed! Read More »